metax-access ============ metax-access is a Python module used to communicate with Metax. It contains many utility functions, which help making HTTP requests to Metax. Installation ------------ If you're on CentOS, you can install Python interpreter and git by running the following command in terminal: .. code-block:: console $ sudo yum install -y python3 git Clone the metax-access repository to your machine by running: .. code-block:: console $ git clone Change to the newly created directory and install metax-access by running: .. code-block:: console $ cd metax-access $ make github $ source venv/bin/activate :code:`make github` runs github target in the Makefile, which installs metax-access in a virtual environment and creates a default config file ~/.metax.cfg. :code:`source venv/bin/activate` activates the newly created virtual environment. Finally, edit the ~/.metax.cfg file with editor of your choice, e.g.: .. code-block:: console $ vi ~/.metax.cfg to look like:: [metax] host= user= password= token=YOUR_PERSONAL_TOKEN The token can be acquired from Usage ----- metax-access has a command-line user interface, which is used with the command :code:`metax_access`. Try: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access --help and: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access COMMAND --help where COMMAND is one of the provided subcommands: ``post``, ``get``, ``delete`` or ``patch``. These commands can be used to send POST, GET, DELETE or PATCH requests to Metax correspondingly. The requests are sent to specific Metax resources, which are: - file - dataset - contract For example, a GET request to dataset with identifier DATASET_IDENTIFIER can be sent with command: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access get dataset DATASET_IDENTIFIER Creating and modifying Metax datasets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's go through a practical example of: 1. Fetching a minimal dataset template from Metax. 2. Modifying the template dataset and POSTing it to Metax. 3. Editing the dataset with a PATCH request. 4. Deleting the dataset. GET the minimal dataset template and save it to dataset_template.json with the command: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access -o dataset_template.json get template dataset Modify the template dataset with the editor of your choice, e.g.: .. code-block:: console $ vi dataset_template.json If you are using the Pre-Ingest File Storage API instead of IDA, you should at the very least change the data_catalog to: :code:`urn:nbn:fi:att:data-catalog-pas`. Once you have edited the template dataset, you can POST it to Metax with the command: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access post dataset dataset_template.json Datasets that have been POSTed to Metax can be edited with PATCH requests. Start by writing the dataset into a file: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access -o dataset.json get dataset DATASET_IDENTIFIER Edit the created file :code:`dataset.json` to fix the mistakes and send a PATCH request with the command: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access patch dataset DATASET_IDENTIFIER dataset.json Finally, if you want to remove your datasets from metax, you can send a DELETE request: .. code-block:: console $ metax_access delete dataset DATASET_IDENTIFIER